Welcome Back

We have been working hard here at North London Skydiving Centre to ensure our operation follows all the latest COVID-19 advice.
Risk assessments and extra team training are continually carried out, as well as changes made to our clubs operating procedures following guidance from our regulatory body British Skydiving and advice from the government.
We want to share these with you so you know exactly what to expect and how you can do your part to keep everyone safe.

Please note! Irrespective of government announcements, it is the club’s policy that you will not be allowed onboard the aircraft unless you are wearing a face mask. The same applies whilst inside the club’s premise and cafeteria. Please do not attend, or make a booking, unless you are willing and able to do this.


Please ask yourself:


In the last 14 days, have you been in contact with someone who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 or has had a positive test for Covid-19? – this does not apply to Healthcare Professionals who have protected themselves against the virus.


In the last 14 days have you tested positive for COVID-19?


Do you now, or have you in the last 14 days had any of the following symptoms: Fever, cough, loss of sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath, chills, sore throat, diarrhoea, vomiting or muscle aches and pains?


In the last 42 days (six weeks) have you had any of the above symptoms and have mostly recovered but have still been left feeling a bit unwell or short of breath?


Have you travelled outside the UK in the last 14 days to a country that does not have a “Bridging Agreement” with the UK?


In the last 14 days have you been disregarding basic social distancing practices in your daily life, e.g. not wearing a mask in busy public places and not staying at least the Government recommended distance (2 metres at the time of writing) away from other individuals when possible?


Do you live in a locality, or work in a facility, which has had a local lockdown order imposed and still in force?


While at home, are you in frequent direct contact with individuals whose health is at high risk if they are exposed to COVID-19, such as those in the Governments Vulnerable or Extremely Vulnerable and Shielded groups?


Are you in one of the Extremely Vulnerable and Shielded groups?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then please do not attend at this time. The same applies to any spectators you bring with you who should be from the same household.


Where possible please travel by car and avoid sharing lifts with people outside your own household.

Please also minimise the number of spectators you bring with you, who again should only be people from your own household.


Whilst at the airfield please could we ask that you regularly sanitise your hands using the sanitising units positioned around the site. Soap and water are also available in the toilet block which will be open.


Please do not enter any of the marked restricted areas unless you have been specifically asked to do so by a member of our team. We use these areas for kitting up, packing the parachutes, administration, and training. You will also need to sanitise your hands both on the way in and on the way out.


Please provide you own face covering and wear it whenever social distancing requirements dictate.

You can make a face covering from an old T-Shirt by following these government guidelines.


To minimise the use of shared equipment we will not be using our normal jumpsuits or gloves.

Could we therefore please ask that you bring with you a set of clothes suitable for jumping which cover your arms and legs (for example tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt) as well as your own gloves.

A pair of properly laced up trainers will also need to be worn.

inside the aircraft


During the short flight to altitude, and for the jump itself, you will be attached to your instructor. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this as it is the very nature of Tandem Skydiving and essential for your safety. Other skydivers may also be on board the aircraft.

To minimise the risk of virus transmission all jumpers on board the aircraft will be required to wear face coverings and keep talking to a minimum. Where safety allows the aircraft door will remain open to allow fresh air to circulate the cabin. Approximately two minutes before jumping, face coverings will need to be removed and stored safely so as not to cause a safety hazard during freefall. Further details about this will be provided during your training.

Face coverings should then be refitted as soon as the parachute opens.


To help with social distancing (until our normal communal areas can reopen) we shall be asking participants to set up camp around their vehicles in the carpark.

To make your experience more enjoyable please feel free to bring with you anything you might need to aid your comfort – such as portable chairs, sun beds, sunshades, picnics etc.

Skydiving is a weather dependant activity and as such it is impossible for us to guarantee specific jump times – which is why we ask participants to always allow a full day when attending. Further details about this can be found in the Jump Times and Orders document on our web site.


Our café will be open but serving a reduced menu. Contactless payment is preferred.


As a reminder please bring with you:
  • • A face covering
  • • Gloves
  • • Suitable clothes to jump in – i.e. tracksuit bottom, sweatshirt and trainers.
  • • A pen to write with - so as to avoid having to share one with others.
  • • Plus, any other items you might need to make your time with us more enjoyable.
Please also note that these are in addition to our normal Eligibility & Form requirements.

We hope you have found this information useful.



All bookings are subject to the terms and conditions shown in the T&C'S section at the footer of this page